Monday, May 4, 2015

Huh, what did you say?

Featured ImageSeveral years ago God blessed me to join an amazing team planning a community wide trunks and treats on Halloween. We planned and prepared together for countless hours. Then, one day we decided to pray together, at the site of the trunks and treats. We wanted God to be in charge of every detail of the event. We held hands as each amazing team member prayed. And as one of the leaders completed their genuine prayer I said, "Amen" and gave the requisite hand squeeze to indicate that it's time to open our eyes and move on. The problem was this: that wasn't the last person to pray. I had become so distracted in my owns thoughts and feelings that I hadn't paid attention to where we were in the praying process. Embarrassment covered by face to see how quickly, my divested attitude and distracted thoughts became obvious. Simply put, I had devalued everyone praying by not really listening to their prayers.

Don't we all face this at times too. For example, we receive a call or someone walks into our room and we say, or at least imply that we are ready to talk, but the truth is... we are not present. Our minds are still racing through the details needed to brainstorm a task, we are mentally trying to solve a relationship or logistical problem, we are trying to creatively develop a project, we are playing games are texting, and more. We are distracted by our wants, our worries, our desires and we fail to be present to the people God has placed in our lives.

How can we extract ourselves from our agenda and present ourselves fully to those we encounter? Wherever strategy we take it won't be easy. It may be a simple concept, "change of attitude and focus" but if it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Ultimately it is a matter of the heart. Paul says it this way in the book of Philippians, "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves." (ESV) That person on the phone or in your office is more significant that you are. This is life changing. If we put others first by really listening to them and being present, God promises that we are being just like Jesus. We are being life-giving.

So today, young leader, today when someone arrives in your room, if you make the decision to take that phone call, turn your computer or tablet screen off, close your books, flip any papers you are working on over and be present. Because if you say in words or attitude, "Huh? What did you say?" you are life-taking. Choose to give life.

Imagine what your life could be like, what your family could be like, what your work or school could be like, what your church could be like if you choose to be totally present. You would be a life giver for Jesus Christ and you could literally change the world just by listening... one person at a time. WOW!

For more details about how to become an excellent listener click here. It's brief but excellent!

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